
What is your choice ego or country

absence of mature leadership.
Presence of these causes is always considered as a menace to

What is your choice ego or country

Striking a balance between individual goals and the betterment of our country can be difficult in a world that values diversity and uniqueness. 

As global citizens, we must choose between putting our own egos and personal interests first and thinking about the welfare and advancement of our nation.

The dichotomy between ego and country is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history, individuals have grappled with the tension between personal desires and the collective goals of their societies.

What is your choice ego or country?
Image Credit to Mohamed Hassan(https://pixabay.com)

In today's interconnected world, where decisions and actions can have far-reaching consequences, understanding this choice has never been more crucial.

Description of Ego. 

The ego is not a single thing. It comprises a wide range of diverse beliefs. Over time, a person accumulates. There are many different and conflicting beliefs.

When we have declarative thoughts and declarations about who we are, the ego conceals itself behind "I" and "me." (Thanks to 'pathway to happiness.com). 

Ego represents the realm of self-interest, where personal success, wealth, and recognition often take precedence over societal needs. It is the voice that whispers in our ear, urging us to put ourselves first and chase personal glory without considering the impact on others.

Ego can lead to a mindset of competition where success is measured solely by individual achievements, potentially leading to a fractured society driven by self-centeredness.

On the other hand, the concept of country embodies a broader perspective that goes beyond individual desires. It is rooted in the belief that collective progress and well-being should be prioritized over personal gain.

A country calls upon its citizens to contribute to the betterment of society, recognizing that our interconnectedness necessitates cooperation, empathy, and a shared sense of responsibility.


The choice between ego and country is not an easy one. It often requires a delicate balance between personal aspirations and the recognition that our actions can impact the lives of countless others.

However, when individuals choose to set aside their egos in favor of the greater good, the potential for positive change and societal advancement becomes apparent.


In this thought-provoking post, I shall explore the implications of choosing ego over country, or vice versa. I shall delve into the reasons individuals may prioritize personal interests, examining the potential consequences for society.

Conversely, I shall also explore the benefits of prioritizing the collective good and how it can foster unity, progress, and a sense of shared purpose.


Ultimately, the choice between ego and country is a reflection of our values, priorities, and the world we wish to create. By considering the impact of our choices on broader society, we can move closer to a more harmonious and sustainable future, one where personal aspirations align with the collective goals of our country.

Now I shall try to navigate the intricate relationship between ego and country and discover the power of choosing unity over self-interest.

In our country Pakistan the government and the opposition are an integral part of democracy so they should serve the nation together. 

Remember we are one nation, one country and one flag:

Ego has no place in front of the country.

A PaFlag painted on hand shows the importance of country.What is your choice ego or country
No place for ego on the cost of the country. 
Image credit to Kurious & pixabay.com/users/kurious-679098/ 

Country Pakistan

Despite being both democratic and Islamic, Pakistan's democracy has been the most unreliable and unsatisfying. So ask yourself, "What is your choice ego or country?" Equality, freedom, and social justice are the three fundamental tenets of democracy. Sadly, none are fully observed nor appreciated by the people of Pakistan. It has been noted that democracy is not appropriate for us because we are not capable of it.

We have long seen that we are incapable of achieving democracy. We must work to advance our people's thinking, especially students. 

Yesterday, there was bullying among the students of a reputable university, being a member of the opposition political party. They were also discussing attack and devastation. 

Before 1971, it was a "BHASHANI SLOGAN." On December 16, 1971, Pakistanis witnessed the results. The people and the country were split. What should we think about how to rescue the nation? Pick just one option at a time. Consider the question, "What is your choice ego or country."

We have seen that in the past there were differences of opinion but there was no mutual hatred and tension. But now the nation is falling apart. Hate and selfishness are rampant. It should be noted that 'Arrogance and aggressiveness require advertising whereas confidence speaks for itself.'

It seems that today the nation is on the edge of division(Nauzbillah). It is a fact that differences of opinion also exist in the past, but no mutual hate and tension elements were seen. Now the nation is falling apart. Hate, selfishness and EGO are at their peak.

Read the real face of democracy in Pakistan. 

According to Wikipedia, Pakistan has allowed democracy to function to varying degrees, despite its flaws. Up until 2013, there had never been a democratic handover of power in Pakistan from one democratically elected administration to another. (thanks to wikipedia.org).

If we consider how firmly rooted democracy is in Pakistan. The actions were taken by lawmakers for their own well-being. Political parties are working more for themselves than for the good of the nation. 

Democracy in this country has up to now been thought to occur when one Party cedes power to another. (thanks to essay writing service.pk).

It is the utmost duty of the opposition to point out: where the government is being de-tracked. Immediately opposition should raise objections in the reputed assembly through their existing strength. Acting on lawful practices both should try to protect the national interests. 

So that our generations can live in the whole world with their heads held high. It is seen that Pakistanis in many countries are scared. Because our rulers and the opposition are always trying to expose each other in front of the world. 

As a result, everyone gets naked. They shout and tell the world that we are thieves, we are robbers, we are liars, we are this and we are that. 

Other developed countries/nations need not bother, we are here to expose our past, present and future faults, problems and wishes we have.  We are not suffering from any depression.  This is our nature. Leg pulling and backbiting is our habit. 

It is a straightforward matter. If a man stands in the busy square of the big city and begins to shout that I am very rich, all the seasons come down to my house. I have a huge quantity of pure Gold. A large amount of Silver is in my possession. There are a hundred thousand bags of grains of several crops held in my stores.  

My house is geographically very important. My elder son is a dacoit and my younger is a robber, my daughter is a Jew, and the other is  Hindu. And my wife is a liar. There are no walls. The gate is weak. The watchman is also a thief. And I myself am very foolish. 

So it is not equivalent to this Urdu idiom. "Come Bull Hit Me" and yes hit me so much that I am  unable to stand on my legs again. So imagine, will not every burglar group occupy this house? Everyone will try to grab him. He will have no respect in society. Then must think about the country. 'what is your choice ego or country'.

We wrapped ourselves 

In such a big sheet of personal interests and closed ourselves in the shell of selfishness. We have forgotten everything of national interest. We do not think about why we came into the world and what are we doing?

Our faith and belief have been weakened. We do not make the Qur'an a guide for guidance in our daily life. It is a command from Allah to reflect. 

But we keep our eyes on the principles made by other non-Muslims and feel proud to apply them in our lives. 

Wake up and get out of the dreams. Keep national and collective interests in mind. 

God, will protect our interests. (In Sha Allah). 

Respect and take care of the country and the country's leaders. Also respect opposition. 

Teach children patriotism, humanity and respect for other religions. Also, follow own religious precepts. 

What is Patriotism?  

It's challenging to describe patriotism in words. It isn't exactly an opinion, an emotion, a directive, etc. It is an attitude that reflects our own feeling of self-worth and reverence for our heritage.(thanks to goodreads.com). 

The idea that this is their own country hasn't been instilled in Pakistanis as a whole. We neglected to inform them that these provinces are theirs. Whether the country is successful or not is entirely up to them. 

It is a real fact that we don't have any time to teach or guide our children, the future of our nation. Unfortunately, as a whole nation, our primary mission is only and only to make money by any means. People adopted this illegal mission as moto and ego.  Now it is up to you to select "what is your choice ego or country". 

So the country is not moving forward. Be ware of enemies and realize own responsibilities.

Kids trying to firmly fix the flag. What is your choice ego or country

Pakistani youth will InShaAllah hold the flag. Image credit to Peggy and Marco Lachmann-Anke & pixabay.com/users/peggy_marco-1553824/


It is to be noted that when it comes to the question of choosing between ego and country, particularly in the context of Pakistan, it is imperative to prioritize the interests of the nation over personal pride or individual egos. 

Remember, Pakistan is a diverse and vibrant country with a rich history and immense potential. It is a land of opportunities to create a prosperous and harmonious society.

While ego may provide temporary satisfaction or personal gratification. It often leads to division, conflict, and hindered progress. 

On the other hand, embracing a sense of national identity and unity can foster a collective spirit that fuels positive change and development. By putting the interests of Pakistan first, individuals can contribute to building a strong and resilient nation that stands tall in the face of challenges.

Choosing country over ego means recognizing that our actions have consequences beyond ourselves. It means setting aside personal differences and working towards the common good. It means actively participating in the democratic process, upholding the rule of law, and promoting social harmony. 

It means valuing education, innovation, and entrepreneurship to drive economic growth and get rid of poverty.

Pakistan faces numerous challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, corruption, and regional conflicts. By prioritizing the country's interests, we can work collectively to address these issues and create a brighter future for all Pakistanis. 

It requires a commitment to civic responsibility, tolerance, and inclusivity. It demands embracing diversity and respecting the rights and dignity of every individual, irrespective of their background.

Sadly, the choice between ego and country is not a simple one. However, by choosing Pakistan, we choose a path of unity, progress, and national pride. It is a choice that goes beyond personal ambitions and brings us together as a nation. 

Let us strive to rise above our egos. Prioritize our country's well-being and build a Pakistan that we can all be proud of.

Don't let it be too late because time is getting out of our hands. At present, our country needs stability, unity and peace which is only hidden in political harmony and tolerance. 

Long Live Pakistan. 


Author: Rab Nawaz MA,BEd. Principal Steps school Rawalpindi Pakistan.