
Treatment of laziness, lethargy and frustration.

Treatment of laziness, lethargy and frustration.

The importance of mindset and perspective comes to dealing with laziness, lethargy, and frustration. By shifting our mindset and adopting a positive and growth-oriented outlook, we can reframe these emotions as opportunities for self-discovery, personal development, and even inspiration.

How a change in mindset can lead to a renewed sense of purpose and drive us forward on the path to success.

It is important to remember that overcoming laziness, lethargy, and frustration is a personal and unique process. 

Treatment of laziness, lethargy and frustration.
Treatment of laziness, lethargy and frustration.Image Credit to Canva.com

What is effective for one person may not be effective for another.

We encourage you to approach this with an open mind and a willingness to experiment until you find what resonates with you.

Remember, you have the power to overcome these challenges and unlock your full potential by reclaiming your energy motivation.

I seek the forgiveness of Allah

A short prayer(dua) to take refuge of Allah

A verbal prayer for seeking the forgiveness of almighty Allah. You can read, and say at any time to take refuge in Allah. Image credit to thepoint.gm/ & backtojannah.com/

Of course, I'll go into the detailed spiritual 'treatment of lethargy, laziness, and frustration', but first I'll write a few lines about "what is laziness"?

According to 'Wikipedia' Despite having the potential to do so, laziness is the failure to act or strive. It is frequently used as a derogatory phrase to describe someone who is viewed as lazy.

In psychology. Laziness may be a sign of low self-esteem or of not receiving enough praise from others.

Multiple activities might result in behavioural issues like lack of attention, concentration, or perfectionism, according to ADHD professionals.

It is further noted that nonstop activity engagement can lead to oscillations of failure, which can result in mental health problems like despair, anxiety, and addiction.

The definition of lazy varies among economists. They claim that people tend to ignore potential detrimental long-term effects. 

They simply consider the favourable immediate results of their behaviour. It leads to frustration, inactivity, lethargy, and sloth.

American literary works It is believed that laziness is a basic issue with negative social and spiritual effects.

Christianity. Sloth, which is frequently characterized as either spiritual or bodily apathy or lethargy, is one of the seven deadly sins. 
It is a proven fact that idleness quickly leads to poverty. Then, because of poverty, the lazy person's own family, tribe, community, and state were all decimated.

Islam. The Quran uses the Arabic word (Kasal) to describe inactivity, sluggishness, and lethargy.

Buddhism. "Kausidya" can be translated as "laziness." The term "Kausidya" refers to the attachment to negative behaviours like lying, stretching, delaying, and a lack of enthusiasm for or participation in good deeds.  (Thanks to Wikipedia for such rich information).   

Now I am going to write down an event I had with a religious scholar who told a short 'spiritual dua' the 'Treatment of laziness, lethargy, and frustration' to the laziest man.

A religious scholar said after Friday prayers that a man came to him with long loose hair and a long shaggy beard. He said he doesn't care about himself at all. 

He said to the scholar, "I'm too lazy; I sleep too much." I scarcely wake up; I just wake up to eat and again go into deep dreams. 

I am neither aware of my duty nor my future. Nothing attracts me. Everything is useless to me. My kids think I'm a strange and very boring person. I lack enthusiasm and am always frustrated. "What should I do? 

Please help me. "The scholar asked him to ask Allah for forgiveness by saying "Astaghfar Allah" at least 100 times a day. and come back after a week to tell me the result. 

This single-word prayer will, In- sha-Allah, change your life routine and you will see it as a 'treatment of laziness, lethargy, and frustration." 

In turn, the man said: "I tell you that I am lazy." I sleep more than 15 hours a day. " I am ignoring my prayers, my children, and my work, and you ask me to say Astaghfar Allah 100 times. What are you talking about? "How is it possible for such a lazy man? 

The scholar said, "My dear, listen to me with an open heart." Almighty God created us with flesh and blood. We humans reveal our disobedience and sins, intentionally or unintentionally, to our Lord. 

These sins and disobedience weigh heavily on our bodies and make us lazy, lethargic, and frustrated. The sins reduce our enthusiasm and teach us cheapness and tenacity. 

Listen to my advice carefully and you will be amazed at the result. " Six days later, the man came to the scholar and said to him, "If you please permit me to kiss your hands." Sometimes I ask for forgiveness 100 times, 400 times, or 1000 times a day. 

Allah has created activity and inspiration in my heart. I sleep less than 7 hours a night, and that's enough for me. I try to involve myself in all activities at my workplace. I accepted a new partnership and signed the agreement in less than 4 days. 

These days, I have never lost my five prayers and I am very close to my children. "Like an energy drink and an electric charge, I took asking for forgiveness as a stimulant. " If you want more information about practical stimulation. 

Istighfar is like a slight push that stimulates a person to step forward. This is power from our Almighty Allah. This power protects us from every hardship. Istighfar is like the hand that protects us from any difficulty that we may encounter. 

This is a true 'treatment of laziness, lethargy, and frustration'. Ask for forgiveness for any failure in your life, or when you are in trouble, frustrated, sick, or any problem. 

The Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD () used to say "Astaghfirullah" more than 70 times in a single sitting. Through intercession, our Lord will protect us from all kinds of difficulties. All religious scholars have agreed that asking for forgiveness helps one achieve success in all areas of life. 

Always remember that "Astighfar" is a mercy from Allah to us. As and when someone will say Astaghfar-Allah, because of you. The reward will be written in your deeds book. 

Some other methods are here for the 'Treatment of Laziness, lethargy, and frustration'. 


Here is a list of applicable healing methods to get rid of laziness. It will help us to attack this disease once and for all. 

1. Always seek Allah's protection against laziness and lethargy.

2. Seek Allah's help with patience and salah.

3. Always remember Allah.

4. Maintain high aspirations and noble intentions at all times, and think positively.

5. Research and read about the struggles of great historical figures.

6. Avoid time wasters and surround yourself with successful people.

7. Always take responsibility for yourself, your family, your job, and your community.    

9. Not sitting bored with nothing to do; is a trap of Shaytan. 

10. Find out what you are passionate about and excel in it to become an expert in your field. 


Laziness. It is a gift to Muslims from 

Renegades and Munafiqeen.Procrastination is 

a product of laziness. People these days have 

a habit of saying, "I can't do this." "I can't do 

that" or "I can't pray at work."Always respond 

to such talk with "Auzubillah." Muhammad ( ), the holy prophet, said. 

Give this dua some thought and respect.

Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal-hammi wal-Ḥuzni wal-‘ajazi wal-kasli wal-bukhli wal-jubni wa ḍala’id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijal.

O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and 
sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness 
and cowardice, the burden of debts and being 
overpowered by men. (Thanks to 

 I hope that this post has provided you with valuable insights and strategies to reclaim your vitality, motivation, and joy. I remind you that there is always a path towards transformation and growth.

The root causes of laziness, lethargy, and frustration can stem from a variety of sources—both external and internal. The path to changing these factors starts with compassion, intention, and self-awareness.

By cultivating healthy habits and setting realistic goals, you can navigate moments of inertia and frustration. Remember, it is only possible through consistent efforts and a willingness to experiment.  

We can reframe laziness, lethargy, and frustration as opportunities for self-discovery, personal development, and resilience. It is through this shift in mindset that we can harness these emotions as fuel to propel us forward on our journey toward success and fulfillment.

However, overcoming laziness, lethargy, and frustration is not a linear process. It requires patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to continuous self-reflection.

There will be moments when you stumble, when old habits resurface, or when frustrations arise once again. But remember, setbacks are a natural part of growth. They offer us valuable lessons and opportunities for course correction.

Reclaiming your vitality, motivation, and joy is a journey that lasts a lifetime. Trust in your resilience, embrace the strategies

that resonate with you, and surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who uplift and inspire you.

So, step forward with confidence, knowing that you have the power to overcome laziness, ignite your passion, and cultivate a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

The journey begins now! Embrace it, learn from it, and let your renewed energy and motivation propel you toward a future of endless possibilities.


Here is more "Treatment of laziness, lethargy 

and frustration." Always keep on saying 

'ALLAH-O-AKBAR'. This will keep away every 

sign of laziness, lethargy, frustration, 

tiredness and unwillingness from your 

body. You will feel smart, active and healthy.

When you feel laziness or tiredness, Recite 33 

times SubhanAllah,

Then 33 times Alhumdulillah, Afterward 34 

times Allahu Akbar. (Thanks to 'yaallah.in' )

So far I have told you about a spiritual 

'treatment of laziness, lethargy and 

frustration'.Now I am going to direct you to an 

effective weapon for treatment, read my post 

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Conflicts of Interest. The author declares no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

Writer. Rab Nawaz MA, BEd. Principal Steps School System Rawalpindi Pakistan.