
Etiquettes have their own worth

Etiquettes, have their own worth

Etiquettes are religious and social flowers. In a world that seems to be moving at an ever-increasing pace. Digital communication dominates our interactions and social norms. Constantly evolving, the importance of etiquette often gets overlooked. 

However, in the midst of this fast-paced modern society, the value of good manners and polite behavior remains as relevant as ever.

Etiquette, commonly defined as a set of social conventions and rules that govern polite behavior. Holds the power to create a harmonious, respectful environment in personal and professional settings.

Etiquettes are flower. Etiquettes have their own worth
Etiquettes are like flowers. Image credit to Canva.com          /design/DAFNVBGhG8c/dcEZ36h93G-pOHoeqVJctw/edit

It goes beyond mere politeness; it embodies the fundamental principles of respect, consideration, and empathy towards others. 

It is a universal language that transcends borders, cultures. Foster positive interactions to enhance the quality of our relationships.

The Influence of Etiquette in Personal Relationships:

Etiquette plays a pivotal role in shaping our personal relationships, enriching them with trust, harmony, and mutual respect. By embracing courteous behavior, we demonstrate our regard for others.

Whether it's showing gratitude, practicing active listening, or using kind and respectful language. Etiquette acts as a bridge that connects individuals, fostering deeper connections and stronger bonds.


Etiquette in the Professional Realm:

The impact of etiquette extends beyond personal relationships and permeates the professional realm as well. In the business world, where impressions matter, displaying good manners can set us apart from the competition.

Simple acts such as maintaining punctuality, practicing proper communication, and exhibiting professional conduct can leave a lasting positive impression on colleagues, clients, and superiors.

Professional etiquette not only enhances one's reputation but also contributes to a harmonious work environment, promoting teamwork, cooperation, and overall productivity.

The Cultural Significance of Etiquette:

Etiquette is not confined to a particular culture or region; it is a global language. It reflects the values and traditions of diverse societies.

Each culture has its own unique set of customs and norms. With these etiquette rules, we show respect and appreciation for the rich tapestry of humanity. 

The Modern Relevance of Etiquette:

In an era dominated by digital communication and social media. Face-to-face interactions have taken a backseat. The need for etiquette has become even more vital. Polite online behavior, such as using appropriate language, refraining from cyberbullying.

Practicing digital etiquette, we can foster a positive online community. We can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts also.

Moreover, in an increasingly globalized world where cross-cultural interactions are commonplace, understanding and practicing international etiquette helps us navigate unfamiliar territories with confidence and respect.

Embracing Etiquette for a Better Future:

As we strive for personal growth and a more connected society. Let us not forget the timeless importance of etiquette. By incorporating polite behavior into our daily lives, we sow the seeds for a more compassionate and respectful world.

Let us lead by example, teaching the next generation the value of good manners and fostering an environment where etiquette flourishes.

Together, let us embark on this journey of rediscovering the worth of etiquette and embracing it as a powerful tool to shape a better future.

If any family, tribe, town, city, state, province, or country does not adopt positive etiquette that will be depicted as a jungle. It cannot remain united, neither will progress nor will gain prosperity. So, it is the utmost duty of the head of every community to keep eye on and regulate etiquette with full power because "etiquettes have their own worth." Then a healthy environment will be created, and a socially polished nation will serve the country in a better way. We have to pay full attention to maintaining the modern positive etiquette in our children as well as in our subordinates and under command.

Because "etiquettes have their own worth"

The conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life is called etiquette. Thanks to Merriam-webster.

Etiquette is also the accepted protocol of appropriate conduct in society or among members of a specific group or profession.

There are a lot of different sorts of etiquette in the current world, but I'll only mention a few that are very significant and should receive greater attention because "etiquettes have their own worth."

1. Social relations rank first in importance.

2. Meetings of all kinds (social, religious, Political, corporate, and business)

3. At the wedding time

4. Sanitation, hygiene, and restrooms.

5. The dining/eating/drinking table.

6. Email, mobile, and phone etiquette.

7. Social Networks

Etiquette Learning Tips 

Learning etiquette is neither rocket science nor a complicated mathematics problem.  It is a simple behaviour to adopt with little effort.  Teach your kids, relatives and all other persons who belong to you to follow useful and basic attitude-changing manners.  In the future, they will become loyal, obedient and disciplined citizens. The rules of etiquette are changing day by day due 

to the latest inventions and changes in 

the environment.

1. A man's conversation makes him well-known. Always speak respectfully and pay close attention to what you are saying because it has been said, "Think before you speak."

2. Act in a gracious host manner. Salute visitors with enthusiasm. Try to address people by name. Gently shake hands once or three times. Wait patiently for the visitor to depart.

Different aspects of etiquette. Etiquettes have their own worth
Etiquettes have their own worth. Image Credit to canva.com/design/ DAFNU9tGDq0/ eaY5zj GZKaFUuhlzsmt2TA/edit 

3. Maintain proper table manners and be patient while waiting for relatives to arrive. Start passing dishes from the right side if you must. Serve food first to the oldest. Place your companion across from you at the table. Avoid shouting or making a lot of noise. Use Napkin. Have a tiny nibble. Do not talk or act inappropriately while eating. Grab or grasp the bottom side of the glass.

Mom telling child how to hold a glass/cup because 'Etiquettes have their own worth'
A baby is being trained on how to properly hold a glass and drink. Image Credit to  Cottonbro: www.pexels.com/photo/a-babysitter-teaching

4. Keep your head up when speaking with someone. Look your adversary in the eyes. It will inspire assurance. but avoid glancing at anyone.

5. Pay close attention to what others are saying or talking about. Give their viewpoint weight. Never, under any circumstances, interrupt someone else. Never voice complaints or criticism. Positive feedback and sincere compliments are welcome. Get rid of your boastful, noisy, loud-mouthed, and haughty attitude. Being patient is the key to success, so be courteous, nice, on time, and patient.

6. Don't declare or inform anyone that you're going to the bathroom; just do it.

7. Never yell, misbehave, or use harsh language at home or in public, especially. It will cause numerous issues and disturbances in the tranquil setting. You'll irritate and alienate everyone.

8. Before leaving the room, turn off all the lights, fans, air conditioners, and other electrical devices that are in operation.

9. Don't leave any trash or other items lying around the room. Set everything up correctly.

10. Be a gentleman and identify yourself before speaking on the phone or a mobile device. Avoid joking around.

11. Must observe proper etiquette when attending meetings, including business, corporate, wedding, political, and religious gatherings.

12. Avoid leaving hair all over the place while combing it; instead, find somewhere safe and quiet.  (Thanks to feckenhamfirst.com)               

According to Forbes, leaving an organization or quitting a job is not a sign of unhappiness with pay, benefits, or workloads. The absence of appreciation is the only cause.  (Thanks to Forbes.com). 

STORY(Etiquettes pay rewards)

Here is a story of a young man, whose parents forced him to learn the etiquette of home and family.  He always thought of it as punishment, but he became habitual in learning and adopting them.  He applied for a job and went to the city for an interview.

He arrived at the office for an interview after a long run. Leaving the house, he started thinking: Oh, I wish I shall be successful today, then I shall immediately say goodbye to my ancestral house and stay here in a posh area of the city, I shall get rid of the daily brainwashing of my parents, brothers and sisters,  from dawn to dusk. I was tired of this brainwashing. 

Before going to the bathroom in the morning,  the order is: first fix the bedsheet, then go to the bathroom! When you come out of the bathroom, another order is issued: Ensure you turn off the tap, and have you put the towel in the right place or thrown it away? When I think of leaving the house after breakfast, I get scolded: Is the fan off or running?  I shall leave the home if I get a job.  

All the job seekers were sitting quietly and waiting for the admin to come. It was ten 'o'clock when he saw that the light of the passage was still on.  I switched it off. There was no one at the office door, and water was dripping from the water cooler. I turned it off, and doing this I remembered my father's scolding. The board said: The interview will be on the second floor! The light of the ladder was also on. When I turned it off, I saw a chair heading towards it. I removed it and went upstairs. 

The job seeker candidates used to go in and send back immediately. In my turn, I entered the selection room. I handed over my documents to the  Chairman selection board. After looking at all the papers, the Chairman asked: How long have you been joining? At their question, I felt as if they were fooling me today.

The  Chairman noticed and said: You are not being fooled, but this is a fact. No one was asked any questions in today's interview. Only CCTV shows the behaviour of the candidates. All the candidates came, but no one turned off the tap or light except you. Congratulations to your parents, who taught you etiquette, distinction and civility. This decision shows that "etiquettes have their own worth." A person who does not have Self Discipline, no matter how smart and cunning he may be, cannot be fully successful in the race of management and life. 

After all, this was done, I decided that as soon as I got home, I would apologize to my mother and father and tell them that today, in the first test of my life, their little words stopped and interrupt me. My degree is worth nothing compared to what my parents taught me. 


It is evident that etiquette holds its own unique value in today's world. While the fast-paced nature of modern society may tempt us to overlook the value of polite behavior.

It is crucial to recognize that etiquette is not just a superficial formality but also a powerful tool that shapes our relationships, both personal and professional.

Etiquette fosters an atmosphere of respect, consideration, and empathy, creating harmonious interactions and stronger bonds.

It enhances our personal relationships by demonstrating our regard for others' feelings. 

Moreover, in the digital age, etiquette plays a crucial role in maintaining positive online interactions and navigating cross-cultural engagements.

So, let us recognize the timeless value of etiquette and incorporate it into our daily lives. Let us strive to be mindful of our actions and words, whether online or offline. 

By doing so, we contribute to a world where politeness, empathy, and understanding reign, ultimately fostering a brighter and more harmonious future.

Remember, etiquette has their own worth, and it is up to each one of us to harness their power and make a difference.

In the path of life, culture has its own place in addition to education. It should be remembered to maintain civilization, etiquette, and social manners in addition to pursuing ever-higher levels of education.

Because every society in the modern period has its own distinct manners and customs, it is currently not difficult to acquire etiquette. The society also has its own social standards, rules, and regulations. Only for those who have assimilated into a new society may learning these norms of conduct be exceedingly difficult. (Thanks to wisegeek). 

Writer: Rab Nawaz MA BEd. Principal Steps School Rawalpindi

Consulted for referrences: