
Simple causes and ways to quickly get rid of headaches

Simple causes and ways to quickly get rid of headaches

Many people don't even realize that the most common cause of headaches is dehydration. There are a large number of over-the-counter headache medications on the market today, but they all have possible side effects such as destroying gut bacteria and causing other health problems.

Instead of relying on quick fixes through drugs, try some of these natural remedies that have been proven effective for even the worst pain conditions, including tension headaches and migraines.

Simple causes and ways to quickly get rid of headaches
Image credit to; Canva.com

Before going to treatment, we must know the causes of headache then any treatment could be more effective. Here are some "Simple causes and ways to quickly get rid of headaches".

We should pay attention first to the root causes of headache:

Causes of Headache:

1. Tension: Stress, anxiety, and muscle tension can lead to tension headaches, characterized by a dull, aching pain.

2. Migraine: Neurological condition causing severe throbbing or pulsing pain, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

3. Cluster Headaches: Intense headaches occurring in clusters or patterns, often around the eyes, causing severe pain and may be accompanied by tearing or nasal congestion.

4. Sinusitis: Inflammation or infection of the sinus cavities, leading to pressure and pain in the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes.

5. Dehydration: Lack of adequate fluid intake can cause dehydration, leading to headaches.

6. Eyestrain: Prolonged use of digital screens or reading in poor lighting conditions can strain the eyes and trigger headaches.

7. Caffeine Withdrawal: Abrupt cessation of caffeine consumption can lead to headaches due to changes in blood flow and neurotransmitter levels.

8. Sleep Disorders: Lack of sleep, irregular sleep patterns, or sleep disorders like sleep apnea can contribute to headaches.

9. Medication Overuse: Excessive use of pain medications, especially opioids or certain over-the-counter drugs, can lead to rebound headaches.

10. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in estrogen levels, such as those occurring during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can trigger headaches in some individuals.

11. Weather Changes: Sudden changes in weather, particularly changes in barometric pressure, can trigger headaches in susceptible individuals.

12. Dietary Factors: Certain foods and additives, such as aged cheeses, processed meats, artificial sweeteners, and monosodium glutamate (MSG), may trigger headaches in some people.

13. Posture: Poor posture, especially prolonged periods of sitting or slouching, can strain neck and shoulder muscles, leading to tension headaches.

14. Head Injury: Trauma to the head, such as concussion or head trauma, can cause headaches as a result of tissue damage or inflammation.

15. Underlying Medical Conditions: Headaches can be a symptom of various medical conditions, including infections, brain tumors, hypertension, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

How to quickly get rid of a headache?

1. Water.Headaches are unhealthy in themselves, they are signals that something is wrong, but our body does not always give direct and clear instructions that tell us how to behave. When the body is dehydrated, we don't always feel thirsty, and headaches are often your body's way of telling you it needs hydration.

Most adults need about two to five liters of water per day, depending on a person's height, weight and lifestyle. If the cause of your headache is dehydration, you can easily get rid of it by drinking plenty of water. Water is a very effective home remedy for headaches.
Simply drink a glass of clean, filtered water at the first sign of a headache and continue to take small sips throughout the day. As soon as the body receives enough moisture, the pain will automatically begin to subside. However, we do not recommend drinking bottled water.

When you're suffering from a headache, it's best to stay away from any types of drinks that can dehydrate your body (primarily caffeinated drinks).
2. Massage of the head, neck, earlobes. A light massage can distract you from headaches, and also improve blood circulation and relieve tension. Lightly press your fingers into your temples and make slow circular movements. Or try more advanced techniques:

Give your head a massage. Get in the shower and treat yourself to a long scalp massage, as if you were lathering your hair with shampoo. There is also a “dry method”: apply a small amount of coconut or argan oil to your fingers and rub into the scalp.

Take two tennis balls and put them in a sock. Lie down on a flat surface and place the balls just below the base of the skull, on the occipital bone, and relax. You may feel pressure or slight discomfort at first, but this will pass. This method is especially effective for sinus headaches.

If possible, have someone massage your neck and back. The simple touch of someone who cares about you can instantly relieve a lot of stress. Ask to pay attention to the back of the head.

Gently massaging the bridge of the nose can help relieve migraines and sinus headaches.

Massage the soft part of your hand between your index finger and thumb. The nerves in this area allow your blood vessels in your forehead to constrict.

Massage and acupressure point on each hand where the bones of the thumb and index finger meet (the second metacarpal bone). It will be better if someone does it for you and massages both hands at the same time, but if this is not possible, massage one hand for five minutes and then the other.
3. Ice pack. A cold compress will help you quickly get rid of a headache: take an ice pack and apply it to your forehead. As a cold compress, you can also apply a cold cloth to your scalp and temples for ten minutes and repeat this procedure until you feel relief. A pack of frozen vegetables or a cold shower will also work. When a cold compress is placed on the forehead, it numbs the pain and helps the blood vessels constrict, improving blood circulation, thereby bringing relief from pain. This method works if the headache is caused by stress.

4. Practice relaxation techniques

People all over the world use various tricks to distract themselves from pain. If your headache is at its worst, don't worry about rushing to learn something new—stick to what's closest to your comfort zone. You can always read about various meditation techniques later when you feel better.

The most popular options are:

Recitation of holy books
Deep breathing
Listening to binaural beats
Just try to calm down. 
If you can, try to sleep - it may help.

5. Hot water. Applying a heating pad with warm water to the back of your neck can also help relieve headaches caused by stress. At the same time, tense muscles relax, which brings relief from pain. In addition to the warm compress, you can take a hot shower. Another option is to fill the bathtub with hot water and then soak your hands in it for ten minutes. This method improves blood circulation, due to which the headache goes away. If you suffer from chronic headaches, soak your feet in a bucket of hot water for ten minutes before going to bed.

6. Lemon. Lemon is a very effective and powerful ingredient for treating headaches. When you drink warm water mixed with a little lemon juice, the intensity of the pain decreases. This home remedy is useful if the headache is caused by gas in the stomach. Or another option: apply a lemon zest to your forehead for instant pain relief. You can also drink a cup of hot lemon tea three to four times a day.
7. Pyrethrum. May be taken as tea, capsules or tablets. There is conflicting evidence to support pyrethrum, but it's centuries old, so it might still be worth a try. Side effects: You may experience a sore tongue, mouth ulcers or nausea, digestive problems, and bloating. With prolonged use, pyrethrum can cause sleep disturbances and headaches.
8. Betel leaves

Betel leaves are known for their analgesic and cooling properties, which can effectively help in relieving headaches in just a few minutes. To do this, take 2-3 fresh betel leaves and grind them to a paste consistency. Now apply the resulting mass to the forehead and sides of the head for half an hour. Soon you will feel the pain go away. You can also chew one or two leaves to get rid of headaches.

9. Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy preparations vary greatly, but the most commonly used essential oils include lavender, sweet marjoram, and chamomile. Use them while massaging your neck, taking a bath, or simply inhaling the scent. Mix five drops of rosemary oil, five drops of nutmeg oil and five drops of lavender oil. Massage your neck and upper back.

10. Ginger. Ginger root has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve headaches. It also helps relax the blood vessels in the head, reduces swelling in the brain, and activates the brain's natural calming mechanisms, which help reduce tension headaches. If you have a headache, drink ginger tea three to four times a day to reduce inflammation in the body. It is very important to start taking ginger tea as soon as your headache starts. This will help the ginger work quickly and reduce pain.

11. Apples. If you wake up in the morning with a headache, you need to eat a piece of apple with a little salt and drink warm water. Soon the pain will subside. Apart from this, you can use apple cider vinegar. Fill a pan with hot water and add 3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Now cover your head with a towel and hold your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes. There is another way: add a little apple cider vinegar to a full glass of water and drink two to three times a day.
12. Almonds. Almonds contain painkillers that can reduce headache symptoms in just 10-15 minutes. A handful of almonds is a convenient natural substitute for any other “quick” method.

13. Cayenne pepper Another endorphin stimulant, capsicum, will also help relieve headaches. It can be used equally effectively both externally and internally and relieve the most terrible headaches. A nice relaxing cream for topical use also helps a lot.

14. Mint. Peppermint has a mild soothing effect that helps treat headaches. You can make herbal tea by adding a tablespoon of dried mint to a mug of hot water. Cover with a lid and let steep for 10 minutes, then strain and add a little honey for sweetness. Drink slowly in small sips. You can also use peppermint oil by gently massaging your temples, cheekbones and back of the neck for instant pain relief.

In addition, inhaling steam with the soothing aroma of peppermint may help relieve headache-related symptoms such as vomiting.
15. Eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. To quickly get rid of headaches, use eucalyptus oil when massaging your forehead and temples for 15-20 minutes. The oil will have a calming effect, thereby bringing relief. It will also help soothe tense head muscles. In addition to eucalyptus, coconut oil or almond oil are suitable for forehead massage.

16. Cinnamon. Cinnamon is another herb that can effectively treat headaches. Take a few cinnamon sticks and grind them into powder. Now add some water to it to make a thick paste. Apply it to your forehead and temples and lie there for half an hour. Soon you will feel the pain go away. Wash your forehead with warm water. This remedy is very useful if the pain is caused by exposure to cold air.


Simple causes and ways to quickly get rid of headaches.Addressing headaches through simple treatment methods can significantly alleviate discomfort and improve overall well-being. Whether it's adopting relaxation techniques to manage stress, maintaining hydration levels, ensuring proper sleep hygiene, or avoiding triggers such as excessive caffeine or poor posture, these straightforward approaches can often provide effective relief. However, it's crucial to remember that persistent or severe headaches may require medical evaluation to rule out underlying conditions and explore more targeted treatments. By incorporating these simple strategies into daily life, individuals can take proactive steps towards minimizing headache occurrences and enhancing their quality of life.

NOTE.Articles are intended for informational and educational purposes only and do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your physician with any questions you may have about a medical conditionWRITTEN BY; RAB NAWAZ, MA,BEd. Principal Steps school Rawalpindi Pakistan