
Killing ants is a merciless act

Killing ants is a merciless act

Ants, those tiny creatures that scurry around tirelessly, are often perceived as insignificant and inconsequential. Many of us may not think twice before crushing them under our feet or resorting to chemical pesticides to eliminate them from our homes. 

However, upon closer reflection, it becomes apparent that killing ants is not merely an act of extermination but a merciless and unethical action. The reasons why killing ants should be reconsidered and explored as alternative ways to coexist peacefully with these fascinating creatures.

Ants are harmless and hardworking creature. Killing ants is a merciless act
A hardworking, untiring and harmless creature. Image credit to James Larkin. pixabay. com /users/jimmylarkin-7286890/?utm_ source =link-

The act of killing ants

Should be regarded as a merciless act, one that disregards the value of life and the intricate web of nature's balance. Ants,despite their small size,play a significant role in our ecosystems, contributing to the pollination of plants, aerating the soil, and acting as natural pest controllers. 

By resorting to extermination methods without considering alternative approaches, we disrupt the delicate harmony that exists in nature.

Killing ants is a merciless act. 

She hurriedly rushed into the shop.  She was panting, 

shaking and weeping.  She asked the shopkeeper quickly 

give me ants-killing powder as ants are teasing my 

children.  I want to kill them all. He was weighing 

pepper for us at that time. Yes, Sister, but wait for a 

second, I just brought. He left our peppers there and went 

inside the shop, and after a while, he brought a powder.

Ants-killing powder

What's this? Signs of anger appeared on my father's forehead, who was present there.

The shopkeeper kept on saying. This is the best powder to kill ants. It eliminates ants in minutes. And it is not harmful to human health. This is what I use throughout my shop to kill every kind of pest.

Sattar Bhai's eyes started twinkling with the attraction of the company’s sale commission.

That's fine.  Shah Sahib consoled the lady and asked her to be patient. Then Shah Sahib  replied. But who kills the ants? After all, what 

do they do to harm someone?Ants are among 

the creatures that work the hardest. In 

Islam,  ants are regarded as exceptional   

creatures and the Qur'an makes mention of 


Islam does not allow killing ants 

as per Hadith-e-Rasool. You can find Hadith number 

1726 in Sunan Abu Dawud,Kitabul Adaab. This hadith is 

narrated by Hazrat Abdullahibn  Hazrat Abbas

(RaziAllahTaala unhum) in which the HolProphet(ï·º

prohibited killing four creaturesants, honey bees, 

honeycombs, and sparrows.

Pioneer of human rights

Islam is a pioneer of human rights as well as animal rights. Before Islam, animals were treated inhumanely. Bloodshed was in their nature. Islam strictly instructs its followers to always be kind to animals and show affection for all living creatures.

Shah Sahib said that other religions also preach against the killing/burning of ants and other insects.  

Teachings of other religions-ANTS

JAINISM takes great care to prevent inadvertently harming even the tiniest living things, such as insects.  Buddhism teaches us that since insects are sentient beings,they should not be mistreated or killed. TAOISM declares: "Always keep an eye out for ants and other insects when moving."

Judaism teaches its adherents not to harm animals,especially insects,and to avoid killing wasps or flies.

Christianity taught young people that intentionally harming insects is a sin against God. Thanks to (Wikipedia.org)

Shah Sahib added more that don’t kill them. 

You can use 

The following things/materials to get rid of 

these creatures without injuring or harming 


1. Glass cleaner 2. Detergent liquid

3. Red, black  pepper  4. Peppermint 

5. Neem oil   6. tea tree oil 7. Boric acid 

8. Vinegar   9. White corn starch (Thanks to 


Shah Sahib looked at the woman in surprise  

and askedNow, what is your opinion? Now   

Mr Shopkeeper, you have already killed so 

many ants and pests and you, respectable        

lady, are going to kill the ants. Listen to some 

benefits of ants. 

Benefits Of Ants Biting

What happens to the human  body  when pinched or bit by ants? 

  • An ant’s squeeze has the power to increase red blood cells. 
  • It stimulates blood circulation. 
  • The pinch of ants can activate neurons in the brain. 
  • The pinch makes human skin more resistant to bacteria
  • This reduces the workload on the liver.
  • On biting female ants, a huge amount of secreted ionic 
  • saliva can burn 99% of the fat 
  • of the injured area.    

So, what do I do, uncle? I am physically and mentally disturbed by these ants. There are my little children in the house who are also frightened. I told my husband many times, but he rebuffed me every time. 

My husband said, "We have never been bothered by ants in my mother's life." Because she always kept the house clean.

Now my uncle tells me What do you think? Don't I have to clean the house? Do you see me as an ugly woman?

The woman not only started crying but also started asking questions about my father. And Dad, who wasn't quite ready for those questions, got upset. After a little pause, the father said.

No, my dear daughter, I am just saying that if you don’t want to spend any penny, then only put a handful of flour on the ground to get rid of the ants. This poor little creature only comes out for sustenance. And that's it.

Seeing the age-old compassion in my father's tone, the woman imperceptibly took the dupatta on her head.

Yes, yes, Uncle. But will it get rid of ants? She was still asking uncertainly.

Why not my daughter? This tradition has been going on since ancient times. Here ants were seen in the house, and here the old woman put a handful of flour in the corners. Get rid of ants too. And the goodness of charity for free.

When Dad started laughing, a smile appeared on the woman's face. Let's go. Again, "flour" I try. Thinking of something, she put the Koopex powder on the counter and turned to return.

The shopkeeper, looking at Shah Sahib with angry eyes, began to weigh the peppers.

On my return, I said to my father, laughing. You ruined Sattar Bhai's shop. 

No, my son. That's not the point. That’s why the blessings of Almighty Allah have left our homes. People have forgotten to take care of Allah's creatures. 

In the past, a dog would come and sit in front of a house, so the woman of the house would put some leftover curry bread in front of it.

But it doesn't happen now because now bread and curry are also counted and kept in fridges. Where will the blessings come from then? Why will not our enemies drop bombs on this nation? Why will there not be earthquakes, floods, scarcity of water, famine, etc.? So, what else?

As well as expressing regret, Dad was trying to make me feel better about life.

Time passed very quickly.

I also forgot about this incident. Then one 

day, I went to see my elder brother. Just as 

the doorbell was ringing, the sound of a flock 

sparrows flying came to my ears. When I 

looked up, I saw that there were pots on both 

sides of the main gate, and a few moments      

before, of course, those sparrows were 

chomping at the bit. And now, fearing my 

arrival, they flew away. But still, they did not 

fly away. On the contrary, they were waiting 

for me to go inside. 

My niece opened the door and I entered. What exactly is 

it? So many birds? I asked my sister-in-law after 

the greeting with a pleasant surprise. She was smiling 

when she saw me from the kitchen window. Your brother 

has brought these pots to put grains for sparrows. I was 

shocked when I saw my eldest niece smiling 

meaning fully. When my brother came in the evening, he 

did not let me go. I asked my brother. Is there any special 

reason to keep grain for birds? No, that's it... It's just... It's 

good. You should keep giving to charity.

My brother explained it softly. This is very important. 

Especially in a house where there are daughters.

Then he started saying that a man came to an old 

man(religious/spiritual guide) and told him that he was a 

poor man and he was worried about how he would be 

able to marry his young daughters because no one was 

willing to marry his daughters because of poverty.

The pious old man advised that. Feed two hundred hungry people every day. Your problem will be solved.

The poor man could not say anything to the pious old man of respect. However, he came out of Astana and started crying.

A wise man passing by asked, "Why are you crying?"

The poor man answered. Poverty has already made me half-dead. And the pious old man has said that. Feed two hundred hungry people every day. Then the marriage of daughters will be possible.

The wise man smiled and spoke. Gentleman, Is hunger only human? Allah's creation, small or large. Hunger 

bothers everyone. If you put even a handful of flour out for the ants, then consider it your charity. The wise man 

said this and went on his way.And the poor man went 

home laughing at his poor sense of humor.

The poor man went home thinking about the fruitfulness of this method. Later on, he adopted, applied and started this charity method. Shortly afterwards, with the blessing of charity and the grace of Almighty Allah, not only did he retire from his daughter's duties, but he also prospered at home.

My elder brother was telling us this story. At that time, I remember Dad talking about "a handful of flour."

I saw in the days to come that my elder brother married his four daughters at the right age. Do it at the right time.

Maybe that's why. When I got home, the first thing I did was put pots filled with grains for birds near my gate

I moved several times. Every time these birds, 

sparrows and crows become the source of my livelihood, 

Diseases also came. Worries also tried to besiege But 

these birds always gave me shelter and support 


Indeed,after every difficulty,there is ease. They 

continued to explain the meaning of the  above 

verse of the Quran and continued to assure me of 

the greatness of the Almighty Allah.

To this day, I have not seen the blood of my children. I did not see them suffering. There was a time when the biggest problem in my house was, why doesn't our hen sit on the eggs despite having stopped laying eggs? And that was the era.

I made my life easier by serving these little creatures. If you want to increase your sustenance please read my article. All glory to the Lord, who enabled me to do this. May Allah bless us all with charity. Ameen.


Instead of reaching for the pesticide spray or engaging in acts of violence towards ants, let us adopt a more compassionate and sustainable approach.

We can start by preventing ant infestations through proper sanitation practices, sealing off entry points, and utilizing natural deterrents. 

If ants do find their way into our homes, we can explore non-lethal methods such as using vinegar or cinnamon to repel them, or employing baiting techniques that redirect their paths.

By embracing a mindset of coexistence, we can appreciate the ecological significance of ants and foster a sense of empathy towards all living beings. 

Let us acknowledge that every creature, no matter how small, has a place in the intricate tapestry of life. By treating ants with respect and finding ways to peacefully coexist with them, we contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious world.

Author/Compiler: Rab Nawaz, MA, B.Ed,Principal Steps
School Rawalpindi


Consulted for references. Thanks.



